What Is a Vape Mod?
Vape Mods are larger devices than e-cigarettes, and are known for their high vapor production. This kind of device takes its cue from a regular vape pen, but is enhanced (or modified, hence the ‘Mod’ name) to include certain advanced features.
These advancements can take many forms. For example, because of their size, mods tend to have larger batteries and hold more e-liquid. Plus, the mechanism used to heat the e-liquid is more powerful than the typical e-cigarette. Whatever the enhancements are, you’re unlikely to find them in regular cig-a-likes or vape pens; only in advanced or modified models.
Why Do People Use Vape Mods & Advanced Personal Vaporizers?
It’s all about personal preference. Some vapers find that the performance of a cig-a-like or vape pen doesn’t suit the kind of experience they want. Vape Mods offer enhanced performance for these advanced vapers and allows them to experiment.
Should I Use a Vape Mod?
It depends on how long you’ve been vaping and what kind of experience you want. If you’ve been vaping for a long time and want to try something new, an Advanced Personal Vaporizer can offer you the options you’re looking for. However, if you’re new to vaping, or are still feeling your way, Advanced Personal Vaporizers can confuse and make it more difficult for you to understand the community.
What’s more, they can pose a potential risk if you’re not an experienced vaper. If you’re not accustomed to such an experience, you could find it difficult to take. So if you’re unsure of whether you should consider an Advanced Personal Vaporizer, you should stick to a cig-a-like or regular vape pen.